There are 6 zodiac signs which are listed as being the most bossy zodiac signs. The individuals of these zodiac signs are believed to rule over the others and they also feel the need to have an authority over things. They always want to be on top of the others and they make sure people are doing what they are supposed to be doing. These individuals are believed to be great successful bosses as well! Their bossy nature is not related to work, but for them it's about beauty and perfection. They make ideal signs for bossing around people who try to get ready for a wedding or an art exhibition. They believe in perfection when it comes to these things! Virgo: These guys don't mean for it to be mean, but it so happens that they end up being so critical, that it makes them come across as being bossy individuals. They have been working so hard on their delivery that they make others cry when they take charge and boss around.