Presenting the full audio song from the upcoming Bollywood movie Baa Baaa Black Sheep starring Anupam Kher, Maniesh Paul, Annu Kapoor, Manjari Fadnnis & KayKayMenon in a special role. The film is presented by Soham Rockstar Entertainment, produced by Anand Swarup Agarwal & Krishna Datla and directed by Vishwas Paandya.
MOVIE Release Date: March 23rd, 2018
BAA BAAA … BLACK SHEEP is a quirky comic story, which uses the elements of a thrill to spice things up but essentially remains a rip-roaring romantic adventure, with thrills a minute and laughs a second.
Song- Ram Leela
Singer- Kumar Sapan
Music - Superbia( Gourov -Roshin & Shaan)
Lyrics- Rajesh Manthan
Backing Vocals- Rajesh Manthan
Produced By - Roshin Balu
Mixed By Roshin Balu
Mastered By Kohinoor Mukherjee
Music Label: T-Series
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