Actress Sonam Kapoor wore a traditional dress that featured a heavily-embroidered gold blouse and ivory-gold lehena, traditional jewellery jadau neckpiece, maang-tika and jhumkas. While one of Sonam's close friends Swara Bhaskar (2)and Jacqueline Fernandez (2) flaunted their beautiful dresses, father Anil Kapoor and brother Harshvardhan Kapoor looked dapper in white kurta pyjamas. Also, Janhvi & Khushi Kapoor, Mohit Marwah with wife Antara, uncle Sanjay Kapoor, Shilpa Shetty, Karan Johar, Rani Mukherji, injured Farah Khan with her children, Arjun Kapoor, Katrina Kaif’s sister Isabelle Kaif, Katrina kaif, singer Sukhwinder singh, Varun Dhawan, Karisma Kapoor with daughter and others were also present.