Former Defence Minister George Fernandes passed away on Tuesday at the age of 88. Fernandes had been suffering from Alzheimer’s disease for a long time and was down with swine flu for the last few days as well. George Fernandes was the Defence Minister in the NDA government when the Kargil war broke out between India and Pakistan. During his tenure, India also conducted nuclear test in Rajasthan’s Pokhran. Condoling his death, several political leaders expressed their grief over his passing away. Prime Minister Narendra Modi in a series of tweets said, “George Sahab represented the best of India’s political leadership. Frank and fearless, forthright and farsighted, he made a valuable contribution to our country. He was among the most effective voices for the rights of the poor and marginalised. Saddened by his passing away. When we think of Mr. George Fernandes, we remember most notably the fiery trade union leader who fought for justice, the leader who could humble the mightiest of politicians at the hustings, a visionary Railway Minister and a great Defence Minister who made India safe and strong. During his long years in public life, George Sahab never deviated from his political ideology. He resisted the Emergency tooth and nail. His simplicity and humility were noteworthy. My thoughts are with his family, friends and lakhs of people grieving. May his soul rest in peace.” President Ram Nath Kovind tweeted, “Distressed to learn of the passing of Shri George Fernandes, who served India in many capacities, including as Defence Minister. He epitomised simple living and high thinking. And was a champion of democracy, during the Emergency and beyond. We will all miss him.” Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar said, “I offer my deepest condolences on passing away of former defence minister George Fernandes. He was a fiery trade union leader who fought for justice. May his soul rest in peace. My thoughts are with his family.” Union Minister Rajnath Singh also expressed his sadness in a series of tweets. On the other hand, Congress president Rahul Gandhi took to his Facebook, saying, “I’m sorry to hear about the passing away of former Parliamentarian & Union Minister, George Fernandes Ji. My condolences to his family and friends in this time of grief.”