Residents of Jayapur are eagerly waiting for Friday when they will present a wish list to Narendra Modi as he comes to visit his adopted village for the first time after taking over as Prime Minister.
Modi adopted the village under the Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana, the PM’s pet scheme under which every parliamentarian has to adopt a village in his constituency and remodel it as an ideal village.
About 35 kilometres from Varanasi, Jayapur has a Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) connect. The Sangh adopted Jayapur in 2006, a factor that has also caused it to be ignored by successive state governments.
Now, eight years later, Jayapur’s residents are waiting for their MP, ready with a wish list for Modi. Durgawati Devi, the 51-year-old village head, has put toilets on top of the list she will present to the PM on Friday.
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