On the second day of the winter session of Karnataka Assembly in Belagavi, Prabhu Chavan, a BJP MLA from Aurad constituency in Bidar has found himself in the middle of a controversy.
While the session was going on, Chavan was caught on camera using his mobile phone. The TV channel cameras caught Chavan flipping through pictures of Priyanka Gandhi on his smart phone. This happened while HD Kumaraswamy was speaking in the House. Another BJP MLA from Hirekerur constituency was found playing Candy Crush game while the session was going on.
The controversial MLA of the day, Prabhu Chavan clarified, " Yes, I accept my mistake and apologize of using phone while the session was in progress but, there is nothing objectionable in it, I was looking at photos of my daughter`s wedding and as I was scrolling, landed on other photos in the album of Narendra Modi, Priyanka Gandhi etc".
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