Do I know whether or not this man is a gay? No. Does that have anything to do with this blog? No. Was me questioning his sexuality in the opening sentence a way for me to purposefully upset a vocal of minority of readers to the point where one of them comments something wildly predictable which will in turn settles a bet between myself and another blogger? Absolutely. Moving on…
To be honest, I was a little upset this video wasn’t longer. Whenever something goes viral it always gets cut short. Maybe that’s how they get us to watch again. By cutting it right at the point where our curiosity isn’t satisfied. Regardless, this guy needs to be in the Super Bowl half time show. It should be him, Shakira, J Lo, and Mr. World Wide all dancing three deep on stage in front of tens of millions of people. At the very least all the background dancers need to be strung up with mannequins. Think about how great that would be?
I always wonder what’s going through someones head when they decide to do stuff like this. Obviously for some people it’s about the money, but for others I feel like it’s just about the love of performing. Like this guy made that contraption and wanted nothing more than to show to it off to the world. I’d do the same thing if I had that kind of rhythm. With any luck mainstream media will pick this clip up and catapult him to international fame like they did the mac and cheese guy. Who knows? I just wanted to give the tribe some shine. Hope everyone is enjoying their lunch break.