Bollywood celebs are currently facing backlash from people for supporting ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement when they themselves have endorsed fairness creams at a certain point in their life. The list includes beauties like Priyanka Chopra, Deepika Padukone, Sonam Kapoor and Disha Patani. Though they are being labelled as hypocrites, but now an old interview of Priyanka Chopra has surfaced online in which she talked about why she started promoting them and why she stopped eventually. She had said, “I felt really bad about it, that’s why I stopped doing it. All my cousins are gora-chitta (fair) I was the one who turned out dusky because my dad is dusky. Just for fun, my Punjabi family would call me ‘kaali, kaali, kaali’. At 13, I wanted to put fairness creams and wanted my complexion changed.” She further went on to say, “But then I got into films and I didn’t understand. And I did do a fairness endorsement for a year and then I felt like ‘I look pretty alright.’ I shouldn’t, I don’t wanna do this and then I didn’t do it. But I was also finding my ground that time as I was 21 or 22 years old. When she was asked if she would do it again for a big sum of money, she said, “I have been offered many times, but I said no to them.” Though she is currently being criticized, she has chosen to remain silent as of now.