~~Spoilers (for anyone who cares)~~
The Peer Review is a series about the homogenous ideology and dogmatic culture that has taken over academia, and spread out into all other major institutions, and our culture at large. This ideology has permeated all of society and entered politics, and is represented by ideas like intersectionality, social justice, identity politics and the general "woke" culture, leading to everything ranging from cancel culture, to identity-based attacks rooted in perceived privilege, oppression and victim culture (and victimhood as social currency). It originated in the fields of critical theory and critical race theory, limited at first to the humanities and liberal arts, and slowly expanding into all other areas. It is now an institutionalized ideology itself, with corporate sponsorship, and achieved the very power it claims to critique as oppressive.
This particular episode shows an example of this ideology extending beyond the college campus and into our culture through the entertainment industry. 13 Reasons Why, other Netflix Originals, and a significant amount of movies and shows today are better described as propaganda, having been infected with this intersectional woke ideology, full of virtue signaling, and the typical tropes built around social justice, intersectionality and general identity politics. The episodes analyzed, in particular, are so reflective of what is currently happening in America today it is almost unbelievable to the point that it comes across more as social engineering.
From the NFL, to Gillette ads, to big-tech banning and censoring any views not fully aligned with their religious dogma, the consequences are now too real to ignore. Get Woke, Go Broke.