코로나19 확진자 치료 위해 220개 병상 내놓은 평택 박애병원
Amid the spike in virus cases, hospitals in South Korea have been struggling with bed shortages.
It's leading private hospitals like this one in the greater capital area to empty out its beds to provide exclusive care for Covid-19 patients.
Han Seong-woo has this report.
South Korea's medical system is in the middle of a crisis.
With more and more people getting infected with COVID-19, the number of critically ill patients is rising... and the government is struggling to secure enough hospital beds.
Civic groups, including the Korean Federation of Trade Unions, are demanding the government does all it can to persuade private hospitals to provide medical assistance as well as beds.
One hospital in the capital region is volunteering to help out.
"Bagae Hospital in Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi-do Province has decided to empty all of its 220 beds in the following days to care exclusively for incoming COVID-19 patients."
The Central Disaster Management Headquarters will help move those who are currently hospitalized to separate health care facilities.
Having also treated COVID-19 patients in Daegu during the nation's first mass outbreak, hospital director Kim Byung-geun now operates a screening center.
The physician says he feels a sense of duty to help those who need it the most.
Bagae Hospital is an exception though as others are hesitant to do the same...
putting pressure on the government to come up with incentives to encourage more participation.
According to local health authorities on Monday, over 90 percent of some seven hundred hospital beds designated for COVID-19 patients in Gyeonggi-do Province were occupied... with only one bed left for the critically ill.
Han Seong-woo, Arirang News.