Tiger Shroff was seen displaying his football skills at a turf in Mumbai on February 17. Aparshakti Khurana, filmmaker Shashank Khaitan & producer Bunty Walia among others were also present at the football field. Tiger also shared a video on social media where he is seen dribbling the ball past his opponents and scoring a goal. Karisma Kapoor, Babita Kapoor & Ibrahim Ali Khan dropped by to visit Kareena Kapoor at her Bandra residence, who is in her final days of pregnancy. Kiara Advani was spotted outside rumoured boyfriend Sidharth Malhotra’s house. The gorgeous Sushmita Sen was spotted in suburban Bandra. Remo D’Souza was spotted at the airport with his wife Lizelle. Shilpa Shetty was spotted outside Mukesh Chhabra’s office in the city.