If bad days are becoming a pattern at work, then it might be time to consider if you're gaining anything from your job.
Here are nine telltale signs that you’re ready to hand in your resignation.
1. You’re being undervalued and underpaid.
2. Your workplace pushes burnout culture, A.K.A. having to be available 24/7 with little tolerance for breaks.
3. You have to engage in numbing behaviors after work to survive the next day.
4. You’re experiencing physical symptoms of stress, such as sleep issues and stomach aches.
5. You dread going into the office, sometimes to the point of tears.
6. You don’t feel comfortable being yourself at work.
7. You’re bored with the work you’re doing and feel unmotivated.
8. You spend more time thinking about new career directions than your actual job.
9. You feel a sense of uneasiness when you think about every aspect of your job.