The newly elected Uttarakhand Chief Minister Tirath Singh Rawat has landed himself in a controversy after he criticised women wearing ripped jeans, wondering “what example they set up before their children and the society”. Detailing an incident on-board a flight, Rawat said he was shocked to see a woman, with two children, wearing ripped jeans. Questioning how she could run an NGO, he wondered what kind of a message would such a woman impart to her children and the society. The All India Mahila Congress and senior leader Randeep Singh Surjewala attacked the BJP for Rawat’s comments. Megastar Amitabh Bachchan’s granddaughter Navya Nanda also expressed her disdain. Taking to Instagram, Navya wrote, “Change your mentality before changing our clothes”. Singer Sona Mohapatra also lashed out at the chief minister. Chhapaak writer Atika Chohan took to Instagram to post a series of selfies where she is seen wearing ripped jeans.