There has been arson and stone pelting at the house of senior Congress leader Salman Khurshid in Nainital. The Congress leader has shared information about this incident on Facebook. It is being said that the miscreants had a BJP flag in their hands and were raising communal slogans. Let us tell you that former External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid is in controversy regarding his book 'Sunrise over Ayodhya'. In his book, Salman Kharshid has compared Hindutva with terrorist organizations ISIS and Boko Haram and has described the politics of Hindutva as dangerous. Sharing pictures of the incident on Facebook, Salman Khurshid said, am I still wrong? Could it be Hindutva? Earlier on Saturday in Shahjahanpur, VHP burnt the effigy of Salman Khurshid. Not only this, Vishwa Hindu Parishad had also threatened to cut off Khurshid's tongue. Watch this video.