On April 27, Bollywood actor Ajay Devgn said that Hindi was, is, and will always be our mother tongue and national language. The Hindi film actor was responding to Kannada actor Kichcha Sudeep. The Kannada actor pointed out that Hindi is not the national language during a press meet. Kichcha Sudeep said, \"everyone says that a Kannada film was made on a pan-India level but a small correction is that Hindi is not a national language anymore,” reported NDTV. Ajay Devgn, while reacting to the comment tagged Kichcha Sudeep on Twitter & asked him why he releases Hindi dubbed versions of movies made in his mother tongue. Meanwhile, former Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah, reacted to actor Ajay Devgn's tweet and said, “Hindi was never & will never be our National Language.” Watch the video to know more.