"The Political voltage in Maharashtra continues to remain high. A vocal critic of the Bharatiya Janata party, and known to be one of the key figures behind the formation of Maha Vikas Aghadi, Sanjay Raut was arrested by the ENforcemnet directorate on Sunday. He was arrested after 7 hours of questioning. Raut’s medical test was condfucted today and in a short while he will be produced in the PMLA court.
The high profile arrest of Shivsena Spokesperson and Executive editor of Saamana comes at a time when rebellion has hit Shivsena.
Sanjay Raut has been arrested in Patra Chawl scam case. The ED says that firm linked to Sanjay Raut was involved in the Patra Chawl slum redevelopment scam.
#Shivsena #SanjayRaut #MVA #ED #EnforcementDirectorment