Bigg Boss 16, Priyanka Ankit wore clothes of each other's choice. What Priyanka Ankit did in the store room? Priyanka Ankit get romantic. Priyanka Ankit doing this at store room. Ankit cares Priyanka in house. Gautam Vig Praises Priyanka. Ankit Gupta also likes Priyanka Chahar Choudhary. Fans likes Ankit Gupta Priyanka Chahar Choudhary's game. Actor Priyanka Chahar Choudhary and Ankit Gupta have been in the limelight for their rumoured relationship since the time they entered the show. Watch video to know more.
#BiggBoss16AnkitPriyanka #PriyankaChaharChoudhary #PriyAnkit