Andrei is annoyed at how the meeting with Jenn & Becky went and he is sick of trying to keep his cool with them. Libby is facing the reality that Andrei expects her to flew the country with him if his green card renewal is rejected. Andrei is trying to convince Libby she cant stay in Florida without since she has absolutely no one to help her. We all know that isnt true but Libby just might fall for it. & MORE! Lets discuss! Join George Mossey for a quick #recap #90dayfiance #90dayfiancenews #90dayfiancememes #90dayfiancé #90dayfiancehappilyeverafter #90dayfianceBeforethe90days #90dayfianceBeforethe90daysnews #90dayfiancebeforethe90dayspodcast #90dayfianceTheOtherWay #90dayfianceNEWS #90dayfiancePodcast #90dayfianceMemes #90dayfianceRecap #georgemossey #georgemosseypodcast #entertainmentNews #entertainment #realityTV #realityTVnews #realityTVPodcast #explore #ExplorePage #exploremore