Ambani parties are incomplete without the Bollywood stars. Several stars attended the engagement party of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant at Mukesh Ambani’s residence Antilla in Mumbai. Pathaan Shah Rukh Khan attended the event but did not pose for the paparazzi. Gauri Khan and son Aryan Khan posed for the shutterbugs. The handsome Salman was present with his niece Alizeh Agnihotri. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and daughter Aaradhya looked beautiful in traditional attires. Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone looked royal. Akshay Kumar was also present. Sara Ali Khan looked beautiful in white. Karan Johar & Manish Malhotra also graced the event. Sisters Janhvi Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor looked gorgeous in lehengas. Ananya Panday made several heads turn as she arrived wearing a white lehenga. Arjun Kapoor and father Boney Kapoor were also present. God of Cricket Sachin Tendulkar attended the party along with wife Anjali Tendulkar. John Abraham kept his look casual at the event. Varun Dhawan and wife Natasha Dalal were all smiles for the cameras. Watch the video to see what these stars were wearing at the event.