The birth place of Davy Crockett and History. Cubscout Eric interviews a park ranger dressed in period clothing who tells the story of Davy Crockett. Cubscout Eric tours the grounds and learns what life was like on the frontier. This is Davy Crockett's Childhood home recreated in Tennessee.
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Music provided by: CC:Komiku, CC:TRGbanks, CC:Tequila Moonrise, CC:SoftandFurious, CC: RafaelArchanel CC:PabloPerez CC:monplairir, CC:loyaltyfreakmusic CC:FredericLardon CC:Fieldofohio CC:dancefloorislava CC:BGdu72 CC:anonymous420
CC:scottholmes, CC:PhillipGross CC:Michealchapman CC:loboloco CC:ketsa CC:jasonshaw CC:JamesBlackshaw CC:Gillicuddy CC:Filmyghost CC:Eric Boros CC:Bluedotsessions CC:aaaaito