In a historic political shift, four-time Keonjhar MLA Mohan Majhi has been selected as the Chief Minister of Odisha. Accompanying him in leadership roles, KV Singh Deo and Pravati Parida have been appointed as Deputy Chief Ministers. This announcement follows the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) landmark victory, where it secured a majority by winning 78 out of 147 seats in the recent state assembly elections. BJP’s win marks the end of 24-year rule of Naveen Patnaik as the Chief Minister Of the State.
#MohanCharanMajhi #OdishaCM #FirstBJPCMOdisha #HistoricVictory #NaveenPatnaik #BJPVictory #OdishaPolitics #NewLeadership #PoliticalShift #KeonjharMLA #OdishaElections #BJPLeadership #TribalLeader #EndOfEra #NewBeginnings