[Trailer for Members Show] This week, a whole folder of utilities! Yes, and all free! Following on from a request for suggestions for topics for the Mac Montage shows, Steve Housley, a regular ScreenCastsOnline viewer, came up with a brilliant idea. "How about starting at the top of the Utilities folder?" Brilliant! Hidden away within the Mac OS X Applications folder is a folder called "Utilities", installed as part of a standard 10.5 installation. In this folder are 24 free utilities covering many different aspects of using your Mac. So this week, I'll be covering the first 12 utilities, with the final 12 in next weeks show. This first part covers: Activity Monitor Bluetooth File Exchange Boot Camp Assistant ColorSync Utility Console DigitalColor Meter Directory Utility Directory Disk Utility Grab Now some of the utilities I've covered before, and some, both you and I will never use. Where I have covered them before, I've included references to the other shows, and where the utilities are fairly obscure, at least you'll learn what they are all about and their intended usage! Please note that if you're receiving this notification via the ScreenCastsOnline email notification service, the link inserted below is for access to the free version (or trailer) of this show. If you're a ScreenCastsOnline Extra Member you should receive the members version of the show via iTunes or directly from the ScreenCastsOnline Extra Members website.