Comedy, More Than a Laughing Matter - From Why We Laugh DVD

hitme1tyme 2010-04-15

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In­spired by co­me­di­an Dar­ryl Lit­tle­tons book, pro­duc­er and writ­er Quin­cy Newell and di­rec­tor Robert Townsend have craft­ed a no-​holds-​barred doc­u­men­tary that is both an in­sid­ers take and a crit­i­cal ex­am­i­na­tion of the cul­tur­al in­flu­ence of black com­e­dy. Why We Laugh is a hi­lar­i­ous and spec­tac­u­lar­ly archived film en­riched by in­clud­ing in­ter­views with promi­nent schol­ars, politi­cians, cul­tur­al crit­ics, and a host of no­table comics, in­clud­ing Dick Gre­go­ry, Bill Cos­by, Chris Rock, Keenan Ivory Wayans, Katt Williams, D.L. Hugh­ley, Steve Har­vey and Som­more.

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