This is a demo of the SCRIBO Framework developed within the SCRIBO research project.
The SCRIBO Framework is an open source component based and ontology-driven framework for semi-automatic knowledge extraction from unstructured data.
Integration with the Eclipse and XWiki platforms is visible in this demo and integration with KDE Nepomuk is planned as part of the SCRIBO project.
SCRIBO - Semi-automatic and Collaborative Retrieval of Information Based on Ontologies - aims at algorithms and collaborative free software for the automatic extraction of knowledge from texts and images, and for the semi-automatic annotation of digital documents. SCRIBO has a total budget of 4.3Me and is partially funded by the French administration. It brings 9 participants together: AFP, CEA LIST, INRIA, LRDE (Epita), Mandriva, Nuxeo, Proxem, Tagmatica and XWiki.