Teen Choice Awards Backstage - T.J.Maxx Lounge

hillholliday1 2010-08-11

Views 85

Back­stage at the Teen Choice Awards 2010, celebri­ties from prime time shows like Glee and Pret­ty Lit­tle Liars, as well as films like Twi­light, signed reusable tote bags for T.J.Maxx, ben­e­fit­ing the char­i­ty Save The Chil­dren.

Watch your fa­vorite TV and movie ac­tors sup­port Save The Chil­dren. You too can help chil­dren around the U.S. get the school sup­plies they need by bid­ding on these bags! Find the auc­tion and many be­hind the scenes pho­tos here: http://www.face­book.com/tj­maxx

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