Just one plane ... and one crew. In one squadron. In one group. Of one wing. Of one air force. Out of fifteen -- United States Army Air Forces. Shot in 1943 when the American daylight bombing campaign faced its greatest test, The Memphis Belle is perhaps the most famous documentary to emerge from WWII. Created by legendary Hollywood director William Wyler, who risked his own life to shoot it by going on five raids, the movie chronicles the 25th and final combat mission conducted by a B-17 crew. When it was completed in 1944, the film was screened for President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who declared that every American should see it. It remains a moving and real portrait of courage, and stands as the definitive chronicle of the air war in Europe. This new, digitally-enhanced high definition transfer from an exceptional original color print from the Periscope Film archive, represents the first time that The Memphis Belle has been presented in high definition. Color + b&w films. Over 110 minutes. Digitally remastered and restored from original 16mm prints, many of these films have never been available to the public, and some have only recently been declassified. Please note, due to their age and rarity, image and sound quality can vary.