I remember thw "lurch" when i found this was available - getting butterflies when I posted off the cheque (the internet was not even on the radar back then) and unwrapping the VHS tape when it landed through my letter box with trembling hands.. Material like this was almost impossible to find in the UK back in the very early 80's. This was a definite highlight! OK - so its got more "ham" than your local supermarket and the actions a tad pedestrian - but its a gritty Brit-style match all the same and it takes me back to simpler times in my life..Jodie has recently re-surfaced and is (semi) active once more - though she's somewhat, er, larger (aren't we all?!) than in this match. Whatever happened to the young Julie Fielding? Scary to think she's probably well into her 40's by now.. Happy days...