Kundalini Yoga - Wide Standing Dynamic Forward Fold - part of the women's fitness video series by GeoBeats. Hi, I am Kelly with Karuna Yoga. Let's go into a wide standing dynamic forward fold. We are going to take our feet a little wider than the hips, look to see that our second toes are parallel with each other. And then that way we stabilize our hips, our pelvis, our spine. We are grounded. Take the arms out, palms down. Breathe in center, and exhale left. Breathe in center, and exhale right. Now we are going to keep going. And the benefits of this posture is that we balance the hips, the pelvis, and that lends nervous system strength, and helps us to have more clear thinking. Let's take one more each side. Exhale over, inhale up. Exhale over, inhale up. Breathe in, and exhale, arms down.