DSK Meghmalhar and DSK Saptasur are the two swank new upcoming ensemble of apartments on Sinhagad road, which have changed the face of Pune properties. While DSK Meghmalhar is an enchanting mix of 1BHK, 2 BHK apartments and 3 BHK row houses set amid scenic and natural surroundings within the DK Vishwa premises, DSK Saptasur houses craftily designed 3 BHK budget homes nestling in breathtaking natural surroundings. Both these projects by DSK Developers are top of the line and are the best flats in Pune, from amongst the ones available currently. Embellished and complimented well by top notch amenities possible, like skating rink, play area for kids, clubhouses and landscaped gardens; you cannot afford to miss these two projects!