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1. Bhu Suktam
2. Varuna Suktam
3. Raksognam
4. Vishnu Suktam
5. Grdha Suktam
6. Apratiratam
7. Rashtra Suktam
8. Rishi Suktam
9. Rithu Suktam
10. Durga Suktam
11. Sri Suktam
12. Saraswati Suktam
13. Mahasanti Suktam
14. Pavamana Suktam
Punyaha Vachanam
Yaghavalkya the sage, the Philosopher and the Yogisvara was the founder of Sukla Yajurveda a branch of Yajurveda. The Speciality of the Veda lies in the 'Svara' (the accent and intonation) which marks its distinction. Again, this Sukla Yajurveda has two Schools-the Madhyandina and Kanva. The Kanva Rendition is rare and for the first time some glimpses of the rendering of this rendition has been brought out and also preserved for posterity, in the Compact Disc format for the sake of our listeners!
Vedic Suktas invoke the Divine blessings to the entire humanity! Suktas are the collection of Mantras-a divine combination of divine syllables or sounds which when chanted with devotion, faith and emotion gravitate the concerned God or Goddess or deity and secure their divine blessings: its repetition has a primary and a grater value than the actual meaning of the ideas in it. Hearing this sacred Suktas bestows spiritual upliftment, fearlessness, desired boon, good health, fame, wealth prosperity, and success in life, wisdom and the divine beatitude.
This Compact Disc contains BHU SUKTAM (Prayer to the mother earth) VARUNA SUKTAM (Prayer to the rain god) RAKSHOGNAM (for safety from evils) VISHNU SUKTAM, (Prayer to Lord Vishnu) GRUDHA SUKTAM, APRTIFATAM, RASHITRA SUKTAM, (prayer for the country), RISHI SUKTAM, (for rishis) RITU SUKTAM, (for the seasons) DURGA SUKTAM, SRI SUKTAM., SARASVATI SUKTAM, MAHASHANTHI SUKTAM, PAVAMANAM, PUNYAHAVACHANAM. The Maha Shanthi Sukta is for attaining peace in all spheres!
All these Suktas are recited by the eminent, president awardee Ganapati Brahmasri Parasurama Sastri and his disciples Srinivasa Sarma, Manjunathan, and Sankar being Co-ordinated by Prof.R.Thiagarajan, HOD of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai and Mr.Manikkavinayakam, the famous Music Director