Acupuncture Treatment and Earthing Products for Infertility

maireen.medina 2012-12-21

Views 34

Have you been on a treadmill, so to speak, searching the Internet for reasons for your infertility? Have you tried vitamins, herbs and supplements and still haven’t fallen pregnant? Are you tired of feeling jealous because all of your friends are having babies, and you haven’t fallen pregnant yet? Do you wish you were pregnant and even dream that you are pregnant? Do you dream of doing hand painting with your own child?

This is Louis Gordon from ANTRAC Acupuncture Clinic, in Toowoomba in Queensland, Australia. This video may very well change your life for the better, and help you to conceive naturally. More and more enlightened people like yourself are finding out about the healing power of Acupuncture and the healing power of Earthing. I happen to be an expert in both of these powerful healing modalities. When combined they can be AWESOME!

Firstly, let’s talk about a common term that some women find offensive. Wikipedia advises that the term “barefoot and pregnant” is most commonly associated with the chauvinistic belief that women should not enter the workplace and should have many children during their reproductive years. Semantics aside, I show in the YouTube Video how going barefoot much more often is conducive to higher fertility. Does that sound weird? Check out the video.

Which famous ROYAL has recently confirmed that going barefoot is healthy and most conducive to falling pregnant? Have a guess! You have to watch the Video to find out. If SHE can walk barefoot, and then fall pregnant, what are YOU waiting for? Next, I discuss how ACUPUNCTURE is a powerful form of healing that determines the ROOT CAUSE of infertility, and helps the patient to correct that ROOT CAUSE. Most people already know that Acupuncture is excellent for back pain, depression and anxiety etc. A course of ACUPUNCTURE could be what you need to have your Qi (or energy) in your meridians balanced, so all stagnation and blockages are cleared away, so that your optimal health, vitality and fertility are restored. The cost of Acupuncture is very reasonable considering the positive outcome.

I combine ACUPUNCTURE and EARTHING. My aim is to increase your outcome of pregnancy, so that YOU too can have a child of your own! If YOU live in SE Queensland, AUSTRALIA, and YOU want to boost your fertility naturally, ANTRAC Acupuncture Clinic is located at 216 Ramsay St, MIDDLE RIDGE, Toowoomba, Queensland, 4350. You can CALL (07) 4636 6100 for your Acupuncture appointment or to purchase healthy EARTHING PRODUCTS.

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