Astronauts Wanted for a Mars Colony

Geo Beats 2013-01-16

Views 74

Astronauts are wanted for a Mars colony.

Interested in going to Mars?

A nonprofit organization in the Netherlands is looking to recruit astronauts for the human settlement they are planning on Mars for the year 2023.

Mars One, the group responsible for planning a Mars settlement, has released the astronaut application requirements, including a list of traits that applicants should display such as adaptability, curiosity, persistence, trust, creativity and resourcefulness.

The minimum age requirement to apply is 18, however no maximum age has been stated.

Those who are selected to participate in the project will face eight years of training before takeoff will occur.

The selection process consists of four rounds beginning with an introductory video and a letter of motivation saying why do they want to apply for the interplanetary mission, followed by a health examination, and then a series of elimination challenges that will leave one participant per country before the final selection round.

By 2016, Mars One has plans to start shipping supplies to Mars that will be waiting for the team of astronauts when they arrive.

What do you think? Will you apply to become an astronaut on the first colonizing trip to Mars?

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