Zbardhet vrasja e biznesmenit - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-21

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Ekzekutori i biznesmenit te ndërtimit ne Vlorë, Ardian Dervishi, është ende i lire, ndonëse i identifikuar nga policia. Nga hetimet e deritanishme ekspertet janë te bindur se Adnand Gori e ka vrare 52-vjeçarin pas një konflikti për një sipërfaqe toke ku viktima po ndërtonte një bllok pallatesh pranë rrugës transballkanike. Mësohet se mes tyre ka pasur mosmarrëveshje për sa i përket numrit te apartamenteve dhe dyqaneve qe do te përfitonte Gori për sipërfaqen e tokës qe kishte ofruar. Konflikti mes ndërtuesit e pronarit te truallit degjeneroi deri ne përdorimin e pistoletës, ku 31-vjeçari mendohet ta ketë qëlluar Dervishin me katër plumba. Fillimisht biznesmeni, baba i tre fëmijëve, mori plage te renda, por ndërroi jete pese ore me vone ne spitalin e Vlorës. Deri tani mësohet se janë shoqëruar te paktën 10 persona ne polici, qe mendohet se kane dijeni për ngjarjen dhe vendin ku mund te jete fshehur autori. Ne fillim te muajit, ne qytetin e Fierit u vra thuajse ne te njëjtat rrethana, pranë pallatit qe po ndërtonte, biznesmeni i ndërtimit Spartak Spaho. Ndërsa ne qytetin e Vlorës u ekzekutua ne mënyrë mafioze me ane te shpërthimit te eksplozivit gjyqtari Skerdiliajd Konomi. Një nga pistat kryesore ku po hetohet është ajo e konflikteve për pronësinë. Një numër i madh vrasjesh për këtë motiv kane ndodhur edhe ne rrethe te tjera, ku me e renda cilësohet ajo ne Frankth te Matit. Tre anëtarë te se njëjtës familje u vranë dhe dy te tjerë u plagosen rende.

Executor of the construction businessman in Vlora, Ardian Dervishi, is still free, although identified by the police. From the investigations so far experts are convinced that Gori has Adnand 52-year-old killed after a dispute about a land where the victim was building an apartment block near the transballkanike. Learned that there was disagreement between them regarding the number of apartments and shops that will benefit from Gori to the earth's surface that had offered. The conflict between the land owner builders degenerated up to use the gun, where 31-year-old believed to have shot with four bullets Dervish. Initially businessman and father of three children, received serious injuries, but died five hours later in hospital of Vlora. Up to now learn that they are accompanied at least 10 people in the police, who were believed to have knowledge of the event and the place where the author may be hidden. At the beginning of the month, the city of Fier, was killed almost in the same circumstances, at the palace that was building, construction businessman Spaho Spartak. While in the city of Vlora was executed in order mafia through the explosive blast Skerdiliajd Konomi judge. One of the main races being investigated is that of conflict of ownership. A number of murders for this motif also occurred in other districts, where it is considered severe in the Mat Frankth. Three members of the same family were killed and two others were seriously injured.

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