Vlore, kapet agresori i gjyqtares - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Pas disa dite hetimesh, policia e Vlorës arrestoi personin i cili akuzohet se sulmoi gjyqtaren Mirela Mishgjoni, duke i hedhur asaj acid ne fytyre.
Nertil Zotaj, 24 vjeç, banues ne Vlorë, ka rene ne pranga pasi eshte i dyshuari kryesor i kësaj ngjarjeje. Sipas policisë, ky shtetas ka qene me pare i gjykuar dhe i dënuar nga gjyqtarja Mishgjoni me burg dhe gjobe për nje vjedhje ne bashkëpunim. Por ky vendim duket se ka nxitur te riun te hakmerret ndaj gjyqtares, me pretendimin se dënimi ishte shume i rende. Ky shtetas ka qenë i arrestuar më parë së bashku me vëllain e tij shtetasin Pauli Zotaj, për "Vjedhje" dhe është gjykuar e dënuar nga Gjyqtarja Mirela Mishgjoni me 11 muaj burg dhe 150.000 lekë gjobë. Gjyqtarja Mirela Mishgjoni u sulmua me acid sanitar ne mëngjesin e disa ditëve me pare, teksa ishte duke dale nga banesa per te shkuar ne pune. Nga agresioni ajo mori plage serioze ne fytyre dhe ne kraharor. Sulmi u dënua nga institucionet me te larta te shtetit, ndërsa angazhoi policinë te kryente hetime intensive për kapjen e autorit.

After several days of investigation, Vlora police arrested a person who allegedly attacked Judge Mirela Mishgjoni, throwing the acid on her face.
Nertil Zotaj, 24, residing in the South, has fallen in handcuffs as he is the main suspect of the event. According to police, the citizen has been previously convicted and sentenced by Judge Mishgjoni prison and a fine for a theft in cooperation. But this decision seems to have encouraged the young man to retaliate against the judge, claiming that the punishment was too severe. This person has been previously arrested along with his brother the citizen Pauli Zotaj, for "theft" and was tried and sentenced by Judge Mirela Mishgjoni to 11 months' imprisonment and a 150,000 fine ALL. Judge Mirela Mishgjoni was attacked with acid Toilets in the morning a few days ago, as he was getting out of the apartment to go to work. Aggression she received serious wounds on her face and chest. The attack was condemned by the highest state institutions, and engaged the police to carry out intensive investigations to apprehend the author.

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